"Gabrielian is a powerful advocate, a force to be reckoned with."
- Peninsula Reviews
"It is irrelevant whether someone produces hot air or a sonnet of Petrarch, Shakespeare, or Rilke; whether he gilds boot-heels or carves Madonnas. Shooting goes on, hunger goes on, lying goes on: why all the art?"
- George Grosz
Existential doubts and fears have plagued mankind throughout history. Through the darkness, art can triumph as a symbol of hope. Rather than yet another means to separate people into distinct socio-economic classes, art has the ability to promote unity. Artists throughout time have always returned to the same fundamental issues, showing that all people feel the same emotions and go through the same personal struggles, regardless of age, sex, race, or religion.
Reading a book of conversations with Howard Zinn, Tanya was inspired by a chapter titled “Resistance and the Role of Artists.” Zinn speaks about the role of the artist in relation to social change. Because art comes from great passion and emotion, artists have the ability to be powerful forces in social discussions.
By inviting the audience into the creative experience to become active participants, listeners become empowered to question the status quo, inspired to voice opinions, and think about the matters that make us human. Music is used as the starting point for further discussion and can then serve the community at large as a vehicle for change and compassion.