“The Herculean keyboard demands were met with a strikingly poised nobility and a commanding presence.”
“[Gabrielian's] steady focus and penetrative concentration makes it seem as if we are not simply listening to the notes she so deftly fingers, but actually watching the phrases take shape in her head. Her range of expression is extensive and she can convey with equal aptitude comedy, pathos and severity. Peculiarly, Gabrielian makes the piano appear obdurate – we imagine the enormous power and potential of the instrument which it feigns not to offer readily to any mere pianist, but she has total command and we are convinced that it would only make those sounds for her.”
“A pianist of powerful physical and imaginative muscle.”
“The straightforwardness of her approach seemed to come from a sense of trust in and identity with the music. There was a raptness in her performance which made it stand out from everything else – heavy music that had been fully absorbed and which she recreated with subtlety.”
“Anyone who says that emerging young pianists all sound alike obviously hasn't heard Tanya Gabrielian. On stage, she is a presence, a force to be reckoned with, and this was plainly obvious before she even played a note, and when she started to play, the impression of total control and mastery was even more apparent…This was a performance I never wanted to end.”
“In Tanya Gabrielian I find someone that reminds me of Argerich. She has the sensitivity to caress the beautiful melodic phrases and the power to bring off mammoth climaxes...Tanya Gabrielian is someone to watch.”
"...Unexpectedly entertaining. Gabrielian told jokes that were not always the kind you'd expect from a concert experience. They were periodically risqué, very light-hearted, and casual."
"Tanya Gabrielian is stunning as a pianist, but even moreso as a musician. She shone with confidence, as well as faithful adherence to the score and composer’s intent, and she masterfully conferred its depth and passion employing her instrument’s broad range with superb phrasing."
“There was nothing unremarkable about the next work on the program, and especially the soloist. Tanya Gabrielian’s performance of Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 21 [with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra] was worth the admission money alone.”
“Gabrielian’s lively intelligence and facility of playing delighted and proved provoking in equal measure…An astounding achievement by any standards, and one I cannot imagine being bettered. Remember the name – Tanya Gabrielian – you will be hearing a lot more from her I feel sure.”
"Gabrielian's performance was revelatory, a feast of romantic pianism which held us enthralled. Rich full tone, but never straining or too loud; a profusion of melodies supported by elaborate swirling arpeggiated accompaniments, creating an orchestral feel. Pedaling immaculate to support her articulation; as good a sound in Wigmore Hall as we have ever heard."
"Gabrielian's performance was definitely kick-ass. Strikingly tough, powerful, and effective, she made the piece look easy and sound magnificent....she provided a truly muscular performance while making it look graceful.